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Community-Centered Schools and Services

LACOE Community Schools Initiative

GLAEF is focused on supporting the LACOE Community Schools initiative – a partnership among LACOE, county agencies, school districts, and community-based organizations to improve the academic, emotional, and physical well-being of students.

The LACOE Community Schools model is a poverty mitigation strategy that consists of highly integrated District, LACOE, and County Agency services within schools. GLAEF has invested in the infrastructure needed to replicate the unique structure of LACOE’s model, bringing services on-site and leveraging public funds. 


  • We worked to streamline philanthropic support to provide professional development to community school staff, expand dual enrollment options, and grant opportunities to provide basic needs relief in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

  • We supported the evaluation of the pilot across student, family, and community indicators. This evaluation will highlight both site-level performance and the regional impact of the pilot.

  • We worked with LACOE to codify their community school model into a regional toolkit that can help other schools and districts start their own community schools.

  • With LACOE, we are providing technical assistance and support for up to 30 new schools to adopt this framework over the coming years – facilitating access to critical services to tens of thousands of students and their families.

Female Speaker

LA County Mandated Supporter Program

GLAEF, LACOE, and a coalition of other agency leaders are developing new opportunities to improve the mandated reporter process for educators, including training and associated interventions across LA County. Many of these early efforts have focused on Inglewood School District, which has been centered in early-stage needs assessment and program development to support mandated reporters and improve service coordination. GLAEF is  leading regional planning and coordination and launching a pilot that can address the urgent needs of local students and inform a broader countywide effort moving forward.

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